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Access Vaccines Preferred Distributor:
Medline - National Medical and Surgical Supply Manufacturer and Distributor

More than a manufacturer and distributor, Medline focuses on member businesses, helping Access Vaccines members achieve their long-term goals. Medline helps healthcare systems and facilities across the continuum activate the clinical and supply chain resources they need to deliver their best care. Medline bridges the supply chain and cynical expertise to make businesses run better.


Our partnership with Medline provides our members a new distribution service to further optimize and reduce overall spending. Utilizing Medline’s extensive network throughout the medical industry, our members now have access to the industry’s lowest pricing on medical-surgical supplies and vaccines such as Merck Vaccines

Med line is the largest privately held manufacturer and distributor of medical products, solutions, and services for large healthcare systems, independent physician practices, and home health patients and families.

Getting Started with Medline: A Medline representative will meet with your team to create a current medical supply inventory report to produce an accurate inventory comparison as well as cost savings. This report includes an apples-to-apples comparison of the items, quantities, and description of the products. This way, when the business creates a user profile on, the shopping experience will be tailored with the most commonly used items the practice orders to earn the most savings on medical supplies.


Cost Savings: Once you have gone over the cost savings analysis with the Med line representative, you will see at least a 7% savings on your non-Medline branded products. If you choose to purchase Medline branded products, your savings can go up to 20%

Get the most of your membership with our Medline partnership. Helping practices by reducing spending costs on medical supplies. Specializing in: 

  • Med surg supply 
  • Vaccine fulfillment 
  • Clinical and supply chain optimization
  • Reduce overall spending cost 
  • Business and clinical solutions